Remote Delivery
From Ashley Lierman
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Request Off-Campus Delivery form
Much of what Campbell Library owns is online, but not everything. Even if you attend Rowan online, or otherwise can’t make it to campus easily, you can still get access to physical items in the library building by signing up for remote delivery.
To sign up, you will need to submit the Request Off-Campus Delivery Form, which is linked in the description of this video. You can also find the link from the Online Access and Services User Guide on the library homepage, in the section marked “Get Physical Books from Off Campus.” When you open the Off-Campus Delivery Form, you will normally be prompted to log in with your Rowan NetID username and password, and then the form will be pre-filled with your name and Rowan email. Indicate whether you would like to opt in, to start receiving materials via remote delivery, or opt out, to stop receiving materials via remote delivery. If you choose Opt-in, you will be prompted to enter the address you would like library materials sent to. You can then click Review to double-check your responses, and submit the form.
Once you submit this form, you will be signed up for remote delivery for the rest of the academic year, unless you resubmit the form and opt out. When you are signed up for Remote Delivery, any physical items you request from Campbell Library’s collection, or through Interlibrary Loan, will be delivered to the address you provided on the form. Please note that if your address changes at any point during the academic year, you will need to submit the form again with your new address. Please also note that your Remote Delivery status will expire at the end of the academic year. You will need to submit the form and sign up again after the end of the current academic year, if you still wish to receive items through remote delivery.
To request items from Campbell Library, search from the main search box on the library home page. When you find a physical item you need, click its title, and then look in the section marked “Get It.” Click the “Sign in” link, indicate that you are a member of the Rowan community, and log in with your Rowan NetID. Then, under Get It, you can click the “Library Pickup” link, and click Send Request to request the item. It will be pulled from the shelf and mailed to the address you provided on the Request Off-Campus Delivery Form. A return shipping label will be provided.
To receive Interlibrary Loan materials after you’ve signed up for remote delivery, simply order materials through E-Z Borrow (or, if necessary, ILLiad) as you normally would. See the Interlibrary Loan video for more details. When your Interlibrary Loan materials arrive at the library, they will be mailed to you directly, with a return shipping label.
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